Changing Inside Out Now!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Experience the essence of life - Part 1

Getting my body back - Day 60

Life can become so distracting that we miss the essence of living and before you know it you've not truly enjoyed the beautiful moments of life. Life has gone by and you look back and wonder what happened.

Have you ever asked the question, "What is the meaning of life?" Every aspect of life is to be enjoyed to the fullest; every moment to be lived in joy. Moment by moment, find the true essence in life even in the midst of your adverse conditions. Ask the questions, "Where is the good in this situation? Where is the diamond in the rough? How can I see beauty in the ugly and light in the darkness?"

When you begin to ask questions, be open to receive the answer and when it comes, focus on it. The answer is your 'hope nugget' to carry you through whatever it is you're facing. It is the essence of life for you at that time to return you to a place of faith and peace regardless of what you're going through. It is the peace that you'll experience, knowing that you're soon to manifest the way out.

It is the simple things in life that reminds us of the true essence of life that brings us back to the real reason for living.

Fuelling words: I appreciate the simple things of life - walking, moving my arms, seeing the beauty all around - for these are the true essences of life.

Now that the good weather is here, incorporate exercise into your daily routine even as you go outside and are working around the house.

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