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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nurture the garden of your life - 5 Steps to Nurture the garden of your life

Your life is your garden and therefore you must nurture it to get the best harvest possible so you can enjoy the fruit of life.

So, exactly how do you nurture the garden of your life?

The next 5 steps will show you how.

1) Recognition

When you recognize that you have a need for a garden whether it is to save money or eat healthier your reason for doing so will keep you through the process of creating what you desire.

Similarly, when you recognize why you desire your life to change, whether it is to better your health, grow more spiritually connected or change your financial situation, that reason will keep you persistent until you realize your goal.

2) Decision

Like any garden, you must decide what type of garden you desire to have. Is it a fruit garden, vegetable garden, a flower garden or a combination of all three? Once you've made a decision, you can now decide on what types of seeds you will purchase.

When you make a decision to change your life, you must decide what type of lifestyle you'd like to have - being able to travel anywhere in the world, spend more time with family and friends, deepen your spiritual connection. Once that decision is made you can now make specific plans to facility growing that lifestyle.

3) Preparation and Planting the right seeds

You recognize your reason for desiring a garden. You've made a decision what type of garden you will grow. Now it's time to make a plan of the size and shape of your garden. Once that's completed you begin to plant the right seeds. If you desire cucumbers, you must plant cucumber seeds. If you desire watermelon, you must plant watermelon seeds and if you desire marigold, then... you got it, you must plant marigold seeds.

Therefore, if you decide to change your financial situation, your spiritual life or your family life, you must begin to plant seeds accordingly to grow your harvest. You must begin to look at your financial situation and make plans to increase your finances - whether you decide to seriously begin to save, start a business to increase your income or invest.

What seeds can you plant to enhance your spiritual life? Perhaps more time in meditation and quiet contemplation? What about your family life? More time with your spouse, your children?

Think about ways to transform your situation from where it is now.

4) Nurturing the garden of your life

Every garden requires daily weeding, regular watering and tilling of the soil when necessary. A careful gardener watches over his garden with a keen eye and so should you.

Everyday keep a watchful eye over the garden of your life. Keep your mind free from mental clutter so you can create the changes you need in your life. You will see your life begin to flourish in rich colours and beauty.

5) Harvest time

When you take care of all the previous 4 steps, the 5th step - harvest time, will occur naturally. You don't need to force the garden to bear fruit. It is designed to do this naturally. Your part is to do the other steps and the harvest will take care of itself.

When you regularly nurture your life garden, the harvest time will come as a natural occurrence. But you must begin now to implement the necessary steps in order to facilitate the fruit bearing stage.

I'd like to hear your feedback. What other steps do you think can be added to nurture the garden of your life?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alicia,

    I just love the 5 Steps to Nurture the garden of your life. I really appreciate how you drew the parallels to preparing a garden and trans forming your life in what ever area you may choose. I have never tried to plant a garden. so I decided to do some research. You asked what other steps to nurturing your garden of life could be used. When preparing your garden you may also have to be prepared for insects that may hamper your garden. So while you are nurturing the garden of your life and keeping a watchful eye over the garden, controlling the pest is another thing you will have to do. Meaning watching out for anything negative that may damage what you are trying to do. example, may be the nay Sayers, self doubt or becoming discourage. if this happens you must use the insecticide that will control the problem. In other words don't listen to the nay Sayers. Continue to believe in your ability to grow your garden. stay encouraged and continue to wait for your harvest.


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