Changing Inside Out Now!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Action Thursday - 4 Action Steps to Take Inspired Action to Manifest your desires

If you find that you're taking action toward manifesting your desires but you're not getting the results you want, perhaps it's time you stop and begin to take inspired action. 

In this article we'll cover 4 action steps you could use right now that will get you off the wrong track and onto the path of success towards your desire.

Action Step #1 - Stop and analyze what you're doing

Why keep doing the same things over and over and expect your results to be different? Examine the results you've been having so far. Are they bringing you the success you desire or do you find that you're running around in circles getting nowhere fast? Retrace your actions, examine them closely and see what changes you could implement right away that will get you on the path towards your goal. Identify those things that are time wasters and get rid of them so you can direct your energy to more productive activities. 

Action Step #2 - Create a new plan of action

To create a new plan of action, look at the end results you desire to accomplish. Create a mental image of your outcome and write it down as you set your intention to reach your goal. Write out your new action plan beginning with what you know you can do right now.

Action Step #3 - Work with Spirit Guidance

As you create your plan, be open to the wisdom of the Spirit. Ask, "What are the best action steps I can take that will be most effective and successful in bringing me to my desired results?" Wait for the answer. It may show up right away as a thought you never had before. 

Or you may get a phone call from a friend with an idea or you may receive an email with the information you need to take the next step or find a book with the solution you need. Whatever the channel the Spirit chooses to use be willing to go with the flow. Be alert and pay attention to your answer and not your worry.

Action Step #4 - Maintain a state of relaxation and openness

This will take some practice especially if you become restless easily when you don't see things beginning to work right away. Here's a mindset that will help you, "I know my answer is on its way. I remain calm, clear, relaxed and open to what the Spirit has to offer." 

Now let go, and again, be alert and pay attention to whatever comes to you. Stay in the now and begin with what you're prompted to do. As you move a little, a little bit more information will come to you and as you take action on that, more ideas will come too. Keep moving until you manifest your desire.

Changing your life may seem like an overwhelming frustrating process. But it doesn't have to be if you're given simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from feeling stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed to being self-empowered.

Now I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

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