Changing Inside Out Now!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Your break through in less than 30 days! Get the full story

On October 19 I shared a concerning email I received from one of my subscribers. The email went like this;

Hello Alicia,

I'm just wanting to tell you that right now I cannot seem to focus on anything positive, both my husband and I are out of work and it's been four months so I'm finding it hard to find work and although I read your notes and books on "what you think you create" I'm finding it hard to believe anything at all, I feel like God doesn't hear me I feel the universe is too far away to hear me, I feel that I try to create a positive thought that work will come to me and finances will be mine abundantly, but nothing happens and I doubt, this is just too hard for me right now so enough is enough I GIVE UP!!!

Sorry but that's how I feel right now!! :((

thank you

I have to tell that after helping Rose, in less than 30 days she got hired as a Receptionist and started working on Monday of this week.

When you get your mind in alignment with what you want and get rid of all the negative stuff, miracles happen.

Maybe you're going through some stuff in your life too and are asking a whole bunch of questions like why is this happening to me and why isn't God hearing me.

I've attached the sequence of emails from Rose and she wanted to share her story with you so you too can be inspired to keep expecting your break through perhaps in less than 30 days.

Here's the link to read the full story:

I hope this information will be helpful to you and inspire renewed hope in you.

By the way, if you'd like to have a simple step-by-step process, a Life-Changing Map, to show you how to break through roadblocks and build the courage you need to leave your comfort zone and move towards your dream, then this is for you. Check out The Life-Changing Map to get more information to learn how to do this.

Want to get more clarity and help for your particular situation, how about a Free-30 Minute Self-Empowerment Session with me. 

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