Changing Inside Out Now!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What To Do When You Believe And Nothing Happens For You

When you feel like you believe and nothing's happening for you, you may feel like giving up. If you give up what are you giving up on? Are you giving up on yourself? If you give up, what then? What's left?

First of all, let’s release that energy right now - imagine it going downstream away from your life. Okay? Don’t create more of that by fuelling it with your emotions. Let's start from a clean slate. Today is the first day of the beginning of your new life.

Let's deal with what's going on here. Let's start at the beginning of where change begins. We'll use the garden as an example.

The soil grows everything. The soil is like the universal power that grows all plants and trees and they in turn feed us. The soil does not discriminate what it grows. It even grows the weeds in our garden.

What does this have to do with anything?

The soil is like the Great Universal Sprit that blesses all. God does not discriminate who gets blessed. However, just like the soil will grow weeds along with good fruit, so it is with what we receive as well. We receive what we believe is true for our lives whether good or bad.

So how do we change that? That's where you come in.

You are the gardener of your life. You've been given the freedom to choose what you want to grow in your life garden. The soil of the Spirit will grow every thought seed you decide to sow in your subconscious mind - your internal programming, again whether good or bad.

These thought seeds are what you accept as part of your belief system. So if you believe that good will come into your life that's what will happen. If you believe that things are not going to work out for you and they never will or that it's too hard for you to get what you want that's what will occur in your life.

That's your belief. And doubt will short-circuit any progress.

God is in us and around us and works through us and the power is unlimited. But the avenue for that power to flow freely as it should, to manifest in our lives, we need to open that channel of belief in order for it to work like a river flows to the sea. If there’s any debris in the way, it will block the free flowing connection. When you remove the debris everything flows easily and effortlessly.

So our negative thoughts act as debris in our lives which in turn hinders the free flowing blessing and abundance from the Great Universal Spirit.

Is this becoming clear to you now?

Okay, so you say, “Well, I believe and then nothing happens.”

Just like a garden, there’s a germination period in which you need to allow the plant to surface above ground. There’s a lot that’s happening underground even though you may not see it. The seed is beginning to transform and unfold what’s inside of it.

So when you sow your good/positive thought seed that’s what’s happening in your life – there’s a germination period before you physically see the manifestation of your desire.

Now the next question is this, “Are you digging up your new seedling before it breaks the surface with your negative thoughts and disbelief? Are you sabotaging your own progress?”


  1. Hello Alicia...

    Oh, I want a garden filled with rows of dreams-come-true. I'll be mindful of the seeds I sow. Thank you so much for your insightful post. Cannot leave a message for you via Goodgle so will do it anonymously. Susan from

  2. Oh the joys of technology Susan. Thanks for the comment. And yes, keep filling your life garden with beautiful thought seeds. As you nurture them they will soon bear fruit in your life.



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