Changing Inside Out Now!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Overcome Obstacles to Achieve Your Goals - Develop these 3 Mindsets

Are you struggling to overcome obstacles in your life? If you are facing obstacles right now you may feel tempted to give up. But hold on, you may be closer than you think to reach your goal. The problem often is not the goal but in the way you're processing the adversity at that moment. 

So here are 3 mindsets you can use to shift your thinking to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Mindset #1 - Focus on your goal

When you keep your goal in sight this will help you stay on track and keep you motivated to press through the obstacles. If you give in to the distractions from adversity, you'll go off course. You know the problem is there but your focus is on finding a way to reach your destination instead of becoming paralyzed by your outward condition. 

Let's look at a practical example. You are going to the mall and find the road you would normally take blocked because of construction. Do you give up, turn around and go back home? No. You find another route to your destination. You didn't change your target, you just changed the route. 

It's the same with going after your goal. Yes, you may be facing obstacles but instead of giving up completely on your desire look for another way of achieving the same goal. 

Mindset #2 - Maintain a clear positive mind

Keep your mind free from negativity. Feelings of depression may set in because you're beginning to wonder if you'll ever manifest your desire. Maintain a clear positive mind - "I will achieve my goal no matter how long it takes or how many times I have to get up again and keep moving forward." Encourage yourself. Surround yourself with people who would encourage you as well, especially in the moments of your own weakness. 

Mindset #3 - Be unstoppable

See yourself as being unstoppable. See your adversity as only a temporary condition that will be resolved - the answer you need will come. Nurture a state of mental strength. Elevate yourself above your situation and do not allow your situation to become greater than you. 

What do I mean? If you focus so much on what's holding you back you can become disempowered; you begin to make a mountain out of a molehill. But if you focus on being unstoppable - that you will win, that you will succeed at what you set out to achieve - you position yourself in a place of strength and what you need to break through will come to you one step at a time. 


  1. Loved your column today, Alicia. I will try to do all of those things. Thanks. Hope all is well with you. Sincerel, Susan from

  2. "You are going to the mall and find the road you would normally take blocked because of construction. Do you give up, turn around and go back home? No. You find another route to your destination. You didn't change your target, you just changed the route."..........EXCELLENT

    THANKS for the nice article


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