Changing Inside Out Now!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

3 Tips to Become Self-Empowered In Spite of Bad Economy

No matter what's happening in your environment, you can choose not to participate and expect the best that life has to offer. There's always a way out of every adverse condition and the next 3 tips will show you the mindset you can have to become self-empowered and attract the success you desire in whatever situation you're facing, even in bad economic times.

Tip #1 - There's more than enough

Have you been sold the scarcity syndrome - there's not enough water, there are too many people on the planet, there's not enough food? There's more than enough for all of us and more is created each day and if we first of all accept that as part of our internal belief, we will always have enough for our sustenance. The Great Universal Spirit creates the abundance that we need for both our spiritual and physical enjoyment. Poverty is a mindset that cuts off our supply, penetrates our life and sabotages one's potential success.

Tip #2 - Look for the abundance - the supply

What you need is right there waiting for you, look for it. You will find what you seek. If you seek lack, not enough, shortage, that's what you'll find. But if you know, you've accepted the belief that you have all you need the supply will be shown to you. It's a matter of what you fill your eyes with, what you're focused on and the emotions that fuel that mental image about your situation. Look for the abundance and you will begin to attract the same into your life. 

Tip #3 - Follow the Spirit Direction

We don't have because we don't ask and when we do ask we don't believe that what we ask for we will receive or we deserve to receive it, therefore our supply becomes hidden from our eyes. When we don't believe we don't take action because we're not open to the Spirit guidance or direction. Disbelief blinds us from seeing what's right in front of us and takes us off track from the path of abundance. So even if the supply is there, if we're not following Spirit guidance with expectation, we cannot find it. 

Key bonus - Make a declaration

A declaration is a convicted affirmation declaring that you will have what you desire manifested in your life. E.g. I declare that my cupboards are full and overflowing. I have all that I need and more. 

In this mind frame you are coming in harmony with the universal powers that will bring into tangible form your desire in spite of what is happening in the economy.

If you'd like some help getting the mindset to becoming self-empowered in spite of the economy I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

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