Changing Inside Out Now!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting My Body Back Friday - Can Using Healthy Competition be a Motivator to Reach Your Ideal Weight Goal?

Can a little healthy competition help you achieve your weight goals? What do you think? We're about to find out for sure. 

My eldest daughter, Shenelle and I agreed to a competition to see who will lose the first 10 pounds by my birthday, September 18. Well the competition just got hotter as Dad and our second daughter Grace decided to join in.

Me - 10 pounds by September 18. We'll show before and after pictures then.

Shenelle - 10 pounds by September 18.

Dad's focusing on getting back his 'washboard' not that he has far to go but he's working on it.

Grace, the muscle girl, wants to increase her muscles. Grace had been my personal trainer in the past and is now working with Shenelle. Do you think Shenelle has the advantage here? How fair is that huh? 

I'd say Shenelle's got some stiff competition here cause Dad and I are no push overs lol. 

So we're off and working hard - walking, jogging, bike riding, weight lifting and eating tons of veges and drinking lots of water. Shenelle and I have taken measurements and well, the measurement tape will tell the rest of the story by September 18th.

I'm rooting for me lol. But it's a great motivator I tell yuh. 

Hope you decide to join us and press forward toward your weight goal too. 

Are you ready to throw off all self-doubt so you can finally get on the path to achieve your goals? If you'd like some help getting there I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.


  1. Hey Alicia,
    Wow! that's great motivation.The fact that the family has joined in is so wonderful. You can't ask for any more motivation then that!lol I will be cheering for each and everyone of you!

  2. Thanks Tracey. It truly is a great incentive to keep going.


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