Changing Inside Out Now!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Empowerment - Are You Building Your Life On A Rock Or On Sand? Try These 4 Foundational Steps

How are you building your life? Is your life built on a solid or shaky foundation? You may have heard the parable of the wise and foolish builders; the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish one who built his house on the sand. When the storms and the strong winds blew and beat against both their houses, which one stood strong? Yes, the wise man's house stood firm. 

You see, as you're building your life if you allow procrastination to hinder you from following the necessary action steps needed to follow through on what you need to do to reach your goals, you'll be like the foolish man who built his house on the sand. When adversities come, if you've not implemented the things that you've learned - the right mindset and got busy doing what you know you could do to achieve your goals - you wouldn't be able to stand.

However, like the wise man, if you took the time to learn and more importantly, apply what you've learned to build your life - correcting your mindset, focusing on the right thoughts and taking those inspired actions to change and transform your life, when the storms of life hit you'll stand strong. You'll know that no matter what you go through there's always a way out. You can overcome it because you have the strength of the Great Universal Spirit within you. You've connected to the Universal Power and your current life circumstances do not dictate your future results.

Trying to change your life without application of this knowledge is like building your life on sand. It's important to be knowledgeable and have sufficient information which is necessary to help materialize what you desire to experience in your life. But that's only one part; application of this knowledge creates the change you want, application of the mindset, the thought process, followed by actions creates and attracts the manifestation of your desires.

So what can you do to turn your life around and build your life on a rock?

Rock Foundation #1 - End procrastination - end indecision and decide in favour of building your life right now.

Rock Foundation #2 - Apply the things you were taught and know to do in your life right away - just do them now one step at a time until you reach your goal.

Rock Foundation #3 - Develop a determined mindset. Be determined that you will achieve your goal no matter what you face.

Rock Foundation #4 - Develop a persistent attitude. Take persistent inspired action each day that will take you closer to your goal.

By the way, if you'd like some help to build your life on a solid rock, I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

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