Changing Inside Out Now!

Friday, September 30, 2011

**Oh the joys of technical setbacks...

Yesterday I told you that I'd be releasing the life-changing map today.
Sorry for the delay due to technical setbacks.

I've been working diligently, preparing and tweaking everything to making sure we get rid of any glitches and sure enough at the last minute - yep - some glitches.

So I'll be working through the weekend to fix our technical issues and break through all temporary barriers and should have it all ready by late Monday.

Thank you for your understanding and again, I apologize for the delay and will keep you posted when everything's up and ready.

Hope you had a great day and enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Action Thursday - 4 Action Steps to Overcome Obstacles to Achieve Your Goals

Each day you may be faced with challenging situations which can sometimes turn into obstacles. If you allow them, these obstacles can become roadblocks to achieving your goals. Roadblocks may block the path you're currently on but they don't have to become deterrents from your final destination. 

In this article we'll look at 4 action steps you can take right away to overcome obstacles so you can achieve your goals. 

Action Step #1 - Clearly identify your goals

What is it you want to achieve? Clear away the confusion and frustration from your mind so you can clearly see your target. A mind clouded by confusion and frustration will take your focus off of your true goals. Regroup and refocus your attention to where you're going. 

Action Step #2 - Clearly identify your obstacle

Look at where you are now. Look at where you desire to be. What's keeping you from getting there? Clearly identify it. Once you uncover the obstacle that's keep you from reaching your goal you can brainstorm ideas to work around them. 

Action Step #3 - Clearly identify your options

What are you options? You could decide to do nothing and give up - but that's an option that would not help you realize your goal. What else can you do to enhance your relationship? What information or skills do you need right now to improve your business? What can you do right now? 

At this point you're activating the law of thinking and as you begin to brainstorm, with an open mind, for a way around your obstacle, you'll begin to attract inspired ideas to help you. More ideas will come as you focus on coming up with a solution. Your ideas may or may not all be generated from you. But it doesn't really matter. Resolution is what you're really after, right?

Action Step #4 - Clearly identify your action steps 

You've brainstormed and came up with a few options to get beyond your obstacles. Now, break down these action steps into smaller daily steps you can use to get around the blockage and back onto the path towards your desired results. 

For example, in your relationship you can take daily action to improve your communication by listening more attentively to what your partner is saying. Or if you want to deepen your spiritual connection so you can experience more inner peace and joy in your life, set aside 15 minutes each day in meditation so you can become more in tuned with the Spirit. 

Bonus step - Tweak your actions 

Are the action steps you've implemented producing better results? You obviously need to give it some time and consistency to see positive results as you measure your progress. Tweak your actions along the way making the necessary adjustments as you go along. Don't be afraid to try something new or improve on what you're doing if something's clearly not working.

** ==> Remember last week I asked if a life-changing map would help you? Well, tomorrow is the day I give you all the details and how you can get access to this simplified process to transform your life. Keep an eye out for this information; you don't want to miss it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Overcome Obstacles to Achieve Your Goals - Develop these 3 Mindsets

Are you struggling to overcome obstacles in your life? If you are facing obstacles right now you may feel tempted to give up. But hold on, you may be closer than you think to reach your goal. The problem often is not the goal but in the way you're processing the adversity at that moment. 

So here are 3 mindsets you can use to shift your thinking to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Mindset #1 - Focus on your goal

When you keep your goal in sight this will help you stay on track and keep you motivated to press through the obstacles. If you give in to the distractions from adversity, you'll go off course. You know the problem is there but your focus is on finding a way to reach your destination instead of becoming paralyzed by your outward condition. 

Let's look at a practical example. You are going to the mall and find the road you would normally take blocked because of construction. Do you give up, turn around and go back home? No. You find another route to your destination. You didn't change your target, you just changed the route. 

It's the same with going after your goal. Yes, you may be facing obstacles but instead of giving up completely on your desire look for another way of achieving the same goal. 

Mindset #2 - Maintain a clear positive mind

Keep your mind free from negativity. Feelings of depression may set in because you're beginning to wonder if you'll ever manifest your desire. Maintain a clear positive mind - "I will achieve my goal no matter how long it takes or how many times I have to get up again and keep moving forward." Encourage yourself. Surround yourself with people who would encourage you as well, especially in the moments of your own weakness. 

Mindset #3 - Be unstoppable

See yourself as being unstoppable. See your adversity as only a temporary condition that will be resolved - the answer you need will come. Nurture a state of mental strength. Elevate yourself above your situation and do not allow your situation to become greater than you. 

What do I mean? If you focus so much on what's holding you back you can become disempowered; you begin to make a mountain out of a molehill. But if you focus on being unstoppable - that you will win, that you will succeed at what you set out to achieve - you position yourself in a place of strength and what you need to break through will come to you one step at a time. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Tunespiration - I Can See Clearly Now

After the rain, after the storm comes the sun. No matter how dim things may seem in a person's life, the sun will always come out. 

But let's take this a little further. Even though it may rain outside, you can still enjoy peace from within regardless of the outward conditions. 

Knowing that you are safe, knowing that you have the Great Universal Spirit with you, brings peace and joy even though your outward circumstances may not be favourable at the moment. Keep the faith, knowing that this too will pass, your situation is temporary and there's always a way out. 

Today's tunespiration - I Can See Clearly Now - Jimmy Cliff

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Action Thursday - 4 Action Steps to Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals Even After the Excitement is Over

Even though you are passionate about reaching your goals sometimes you may not feel as motivated to keep going forward, especially when things may not be going or working out according to your initial expectation. We all face discouraging situations as we set out on our journey to achieving our goals, whether it's emotional or physical setbacks. 

So let's look at 4 action steps you can take right now to get that motivational spark of energy get you up and taking action each day.

Action Step #1 - See yourself as already achieving your goal

If you visualize yourself as already experiencing your desire, the emotional attachment to that desire alone will get you moving to take that one more step you may need to reach your goal. A strong enough desire will stir up emotions in you which will in turn fuel your motivational action taking level.

Action Step #2 - Set smaller achievable goals

Set smaller daily goals, within your large goal, that you can do right away. The size of your overall goal may seem overwhelming and out of immediate reach. But if you break it down in more measurable size it can become less intimidating. 

Let's say you decided that you wanted to remodel your home but then find the task quite overwhelming, what can you do? Instead of trying to do everything all at once, take it room by room until you get it all done. You can also set smaller goals for getting each room completed, like packing up one day, painting the other etc. Do the same for the other rooms as well. Get the idea? Transfer this information to your personal goals. 

Action Step #3 - Define your action steps

What can you do today, this week, this month that will lead you closer to the finish line of your desire? What can you do today in your relationship that will contribute to the overall health of a happy relationship? What can you do today that will get you started in the direction of your dream career? What can you do today that will help you change your financial situation? 

Smaller consistent steps make great progress over time. Have a daily check list in order of priority and check off each task as you complete them. You'll begin to feel a sense of accomplishment and this will continue to motivate you to keep pressing forward. 

Action Step #4 - Take Action

This may seem like an obvious step, but it's amazing how we can say we want certain things in our lives but and have set our goals and even have gone as far as creating smaller goals but the most important thing as taking action never gets done. Specify the day and time that you will begin to do what you set out in your small goals - actually schedule it in as part of your daily activity. Without this you'll likely put it aside and procrastinate. Make it priority.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Stay Motivated After the Initial Excitement is Over

Ever felt excited about starting a new project, beginning a new diet program, working on your financial or relationship goals only to find yourself feeling unmotivated to keep pressing forward?

Motivation provides the energy boost you need to keep trying even if you encounter roadblocks and setbacks along the way. The only way you can achieve your goals is by taking consistent action until you reach the finish line. That's where motivation comes in. And here are 3 tips that will help you stay motivated even after the initial excitement is gone.

Tip # 1 - Have a Strong 'Why'

What's your reason for achieving your goal? Is your reason strong enough to pick you up off the floor and put you back on the road to your initial goal? What would it feel like if you did achieve your goal? How would that change your life? Formulate your answers around these questions before you actually start on your journey, that way you'll always have that energizer pushing you forward.

A weak reason will only energize the temptation to procrastinate and justify your reason for giving up. 

Here are some other questions to think about; what would happen if you didn't achieve your goal? How would it affect your health, your relationship, your family life or your future?

Tip #2 - Focus on Your Goal

How can you stay focused on your goal when you face obstacles, setbacks or frustration? Depending on how you process information these may be interpreted as reasons for you to give up on your dream. If you see setbacks as an opportunity cloaked in the form of adversity this will motivate you to keep taking consistent action towards achieving your goal and turn the energy of adversity into success for you. 

If you don't process adversity that way, begin to practice shifting your perspective and look for the positive in every negative encounter. Think of adversity as an opportunity to go to university - the University of Life. 

Tip #3 - Get Support

You may be the type of person that self-motivates, however, if you're the type that gets distracted, whether by life or adversity, get the support you need to keep you on track. Sometimes all it takes is one good person in your corner that you can talk with that will keep you true to yourself and to your dreams, and be the pain in the butt, if necessary, to keep you on track.

If you don't have access to this type of support, find a group of like-minded individuals who's inspirational stories will give you the motivation you need.

By the way, if you're struggling to achieve your goal and feel that having that one-on-one support will be beneficial to your success, I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's almost ready...what Information do you need right now?

Last Thursday, I asked you if a life-changing map would simplify things for you, and again, the response was awesome.

I'm putting together the final pieces of this information; showing you how to apply this life-changing map to your particular situation. I expect to have everything completed by the end of next week.

Here's where you come in before it's finished...

==>What specific information would you like to know that would help you get from where you are right now to experiencing what you desire to manifest in your life?

==> Be as detailed as possible so I can have a clear understanding of what you need so I can help you get started on taking the next step toward achieving your goal.

I'm really excited to put this into a concise, simplified, step by step process for you to use right away.

Just leave a comment below or send me a message at, and let me know specifically what help you need right now or what you need to know to achieve the goals you said you'd like to reach.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Morning Inspiration - I'm Celebrating My Birthday (25% Off - 24 Hours Only)

You're capable of accomplishing so much more which will raise your personal power.

But more about that in a minute...

Today I'm celebrating my birthday and I've got to get back with the family to celebrate, so this will be short.

How would it feel if you had the confidence to truly live the life you've always dreamed of? Here's your chance to break free and claim your freedom to believe in yourself, make your own decisions in spite of the opinions of others and approve of who you are so you can take the first step towards your new life.

Here's a saving for you on my birthday:

For 24 hours only you get 25% off when you get your copy of
Overcome Inferiority Complex, 5+ Steps to Overcome Inferiority Complex and Build Self-Confidence at

If you're serious about building your self-confidence, here's your chance to get your copy at the discounted rate before the price goes back up.

Okay, let's continue...

Many of us underestimate what we're capable of accomplishing in our lives. If you were to remove all the limitations - the can't because..., I'm not good enough, smart enough, tall enough, rich enough - what would you have left? Yes, a powerhouse!

When you say, "I can't," what you're doing is closing the door for possibilities. But if you say, "I can," even when you can't see how you could, then you've left the door wide open for the universal wisdom to show you the way.

Begin to practice saying, "I can, therefore I will," and keep an open eye for the answer to come to you.

Watch today's inspirational video for some quotes to boost your personal power.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday Tunespiration - Did you know that you're invincible?

Are you always looking at the bad in your life? It's time to shift your perspective. Did you know that you're invincible? You can turn your life around. Look for the strength inside to find the better part of you.

Today's Tunespiration comes from Hedley - Invincible.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thank you, your response was great! Here's what's next ==>

Yesterday, I asked you if having a life-changing map would be helpful to simplify things for you.

The response from my subscribers was great.

So next, what I'd like you to do is jot down the 3 most important things in your life that matters most to you that you'd like to accomplish but having a difficult time doing so.

Leave a comment or send me an email at the link below and let me know these 3 important things

Those 3 issues would be what I focus on for you.

I have the road map and if I don't know what you want I cannot show you how to get it.

So make it the 3 most important things to you and be clear about it and let me point you in the right direction with the life-changing map.

Leave your comment now or send me a message at:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Would a life-changing map simplify things for you...?

Suppose I gave you a map and showed you how to use the map as a simplified step-by-step guide to help you create the change you desire in any area of your life...

1) What would you do with this map?
2) Would this be helpful to you?

Seriously, take a minute and think about this.

Leave a comment below and let me know if that would be useful to you.

Whether you want to:
- gain self-confidence
- attract the things you want in your life including the partner you want
- improve your relationship
- get rid of a habit that no longer serves you but you're having a difficult time getting rid of it
- improve your financial situation
- shed those unwanted pounds or
- live your dream life

The change process is still the same.

The starting point, the growth process, followed by the results you get when you follow through to the finish line.

Leave a comment below and let me know if a life-changing map will make a difference in your life?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This book shows that by linking purpose, passion, and people together we can achieve productivity, profit and prosperity!

I just found a book I think you'll love. If you are longing for a better life at both home and work, this book will inspire you!

Inspired by the world around him, the author, Kamran Akbarzadeh, says, “I wrote this book to convey a profound message to you: that by linking purpose, passion, and people together we can achieve productivity, profit and prosperity - and by that I mean prosperity in its broadest form, which is richness in our lives.

Together we can raise the consciousness of humanity and manifest a new world full of peace, love, and light.”

Leadership Soup provides you a healthy yet tasty recipe for living on purpose and leading on purpose. It helps you become a profound and authentic leader who leads with the heart and empowers others to soar to greatness no matter who they are and what they do. Containing insights, concepts, tools, and solutions, this book helps you and your team, family or organization to:

· attain productivity, profit, and prosperity by linking purpose, passion, and people;
· improve communication, teamwork, and performance;
· communicate your vision and motivate others to take massive action toward achieving it;
· build your trust among people in your team/organization;
· recognize your limiting beliefs and transform them to empowering ones;
· empower people to do more than what they think they can do and inspire them to work with integrity and passion;
· guarantee long-lasting success with inspired people in your team/organization.

Leadership Soup reminds you that people need to be valued; their voices need to be heard; and their potential needs to be developed.

Whether you are a business owner, employee, entrepreneur, coach, corporate executive, consultant, student, parent, experienced leader, or apprentice, Leadership Soup can act as a catalyst for the positive changes you need to make in yourself and others.

And, in addition to this amazing book, you'll receive dozens of amazing downloadable bonus gifts donated by the author's friends and colleagues. Check out the book:

Even more, once you purchase the book the author has two great surprises for you that you don’t want to miss out.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Empowerment - Are You Building Your Life On A Rock Or On Sand? Try These 4 Foundational Steps

How are you building your life? Is your life built on a solid or shaky foundation? You may have heard the parable of the wise and foolish builders; the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish one who built his house on the sand. When the storms and the strong winds blew and beat against both their houses, which one stood strong? Yes, the wise man's house stood firm. 

You see, as you're building your life if you allow procrastination to hinder you from following the necessary action steps needed to follow through on what you need to do to reach your goals, you'll be like the foolish man who built his house on the sand. When adversities come, if you've not implemented the things that you've learned - the right mindset and got busy doing what you know you could do to achieve your goals - you wouldn't be able to stand.

However, like the wise man, if you took the time to learn and more importantly, apply what you've learned to build your life - correcting your mindset, focusing on the right thoughts and taking those inspired actions to change and transform your life, when the storms of life hit you'll stand strong. You'll know that no matter what you go through there's always a way out. You can overcome it because you have the strength of the Great Universal Spirit within you. You've connected to the Universal Power and your current life circumstances do not dictate your future results.

Trying to change your life without application of this knowledge is like building your life on sand. It's important to be knowledgeable and have sufficient information which is necessary to help materialize what you desire to experience in your life. But that's only one part; application of this knowledge creates the change you want, application of the mindset, the thought process, followed by actions creates and attracts the manifestation of your desires.

So what can you do to turn your life around and build your life on a rock?

Rock Foundation #1 - End procrastination - end indecision and decide in favour of building your life right now.

Rock Foundation #2 - Apply the things you were taught and know to do in your life right away - just do them now one step at a time until you reach your goal.

Rock Foundation #3 - Develop a determined mindset. Be determined that you will achieve your goal no matter what you face.

Rock Foundation #4 - Develop a persistent attitude. Take persistent inspired action each day that will take you closer to your goal.

By the way, if you'd like some help to build your life on a solid rock, I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Morning Inspiration - The Garden of the Soul

We remember those who have lost their lives and those who have been personal affected by the September 11 tragedy. Open your heart and allow the fire of Unconditional Love to heal within.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday Tunespiration - I Can Love You Like That!

Today's tunespiration has been a real inspiration in my life many years ago at a time when I had gone through a really tough time, healing from a broken relationship. And the way the song related to me back then is that the Great Universal Spirit could love me in the way I wanted to be loved. This song was truly a healing balm in my life at the time and the thing about it, the relationship I desired manifested in my life in such miraculous synchronicity.

If you're looking to enhance your relationship or attract a partner into your life or heal from one, start with Unconditional Love from the Presence of the Great Universal Spirit. The Spirit knows the way and can heal and restore your life. Get closer and connect within, get clear on the type of relationship you desire and allow the thoughts of your desire to grow in the soil of the Great Universal Spirit and manifest in your life.

Today's tunespiration is from All 4 One - I Can Love Your Like That.

By the way, did you get your copy of The Power of Unconditional Love? If not, you can download your free copy today at

Friday, September 9, 2011

Getting My Body Back Friday - Are These 3 Things Throwing You Off Track From Reaching Your Weight Goals? Here's What To Do Instead

On your journey to reaching your weight goal you may encounter many obstacles along the way. Some obstacles you can overcome very easily while others can really derail your progress and throw you off track. However, if you remain diligent you can quickly bounce back.

In this article, I'll outline 3 things that may take you off track and show you what you can do instead to keep you from either becoming derailed or to get you back on the road towards your weight goal.

#1 - Stress

Whether your stress is personal, family, work-related or otherwise, it can put a damper on your progress. Stress can lead to depression and other emotional issues and when the emotions are negatively affected it can result in overeating, loss of motivation and energy to workout.

Do Instead

Pay attention to what's going on around you. Know your stress triggers, release any tension - take a deep breath in and let it all out and regroup. Walk away from the situation if you can and shift your thinking onto happier thoughts. If you are quick to respond you can drastically reduce the effect of the stress and elevate your emotional vibration up and above your current stressed condition.

#2 - Misunderstanding the scale reading

Ever got on the scale expecting to see that you've shed some more pounds only to find out that you had not even budged since the last time you were on there? I know I have and it's such a discouraging feeling which can make you feel like you've done all of that work and still not getting the results you want. 

But in reality, what's happening, if you've been committed to your workout, is that while you were focusing on weight loss you've been building muscles and shedding fat. At first this may not show up on the scale as an accurate measurement of your progress and here you're thinking that nothing is happening.

Do Instead

Use other forms of measurements as well to gauge your progress. I usually go by the way my clothes fit. I also take pictures in the same outfit to show my progress. I find these to be quite reliable and encouraging than using a scale.

#3 - Going it alone without any support

Trying to get to your ideal weight can be a lonesome journey if you're going it alone. Say you come from a family and also have friends that are overweight; it can be quite a struggle to create this change in your life. And when at first you seem not to be making progress and don't have that encouragement, you can end up right back at square one.

Do Instead

If you're the type of person that can keep yourself accountable and stay on track that's great. But most people, especially at the beginning of change, need someone to encourage them along through the early stages where they are most vulnerable to giving up.

Find a friend who's willing to work with you to help keep you on target. If you don't have anyone that can do that find a community group or go to the gym. I've had one of my daughters in the past help me out and boy did she ever keep me on my toes. I also use my articles as a way to keep me accountable to my readers. And now we have a family competition on to keep me even more diligent in reaching my goals.

By the way, if you'd like some help becoming self-empowered so you can reach your ideal weight goal and have someone help to keep you on track, I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Action Thursday - 4 Action Steps to Become Self-Empowered Even in a Bad Economy

Bad economic conditions will not dictate our results if we decide to approach things from the unlimited supply of the Great Universal Spirit. Often times we allow our mindset to be shaped by our adversities and not the other way around. What happens then is that we create a vicious cycle of the same negative seed thoughts which lead to the same negative fruit results.

So what can you do to become self-empowered regardless of the bad economy and create the results you desire to have manifested in your life? Apply these 4 actions steps right away:

Action Step #1 - Focus your mindset on success

Believe that you can have the success that you so desire and focus your attention only on that. Each day remind yourself that you will succeed whether it's in your business, career or finding the job you desire. See yourself succeeding and let that be your mental target, the final result of your physical outcome.

Action Step #2 - Steer clear of negativity or failure thinking

If you surround yourself with negativity - negative self-talk, negative conversation with others or listening to it - you will attract the same in your experience. Move away from it. Shift your thinking and your self-talk will change. Watch out for the germination time - you know, the period during which you don't see the physical results you desire right away. This is where your belief comes in - know that all is working out on your behalf even if you cannot physically see it right now.

Action Step #3 - Get busy moving toward your goal

What can you do now that will get you closer to manifesting your goal? Get busy and wrap yourself up with it right now. Sitting around waiting is not the answer to getting results. If you're not sure what to do just stop and ask within and wait for the answer. If you're still unsure, know that your answer will show up and keep your eyes open and pay attention. It will come.

Action Step #4 - Be Persistent and determined

Don't take no for an answer. So, you didn't do as well as you expected today. Get back up and keep pressing forward. Tweak your actions if you must but keep pressing forward. You will get to the end if you stay focused. If you need help, ask within for the help you need and watch as the chosen helper shows up.

If you'd like some help getting the mindset to becoming self-empowered in spite of the economy I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Empowerment - 3 Mistakes People Make In A Bad Economy & What To Do Instead

Everywhere you go you hear a lot of talk about the economy; how many people have lost their jobs or how difficult it is to get a job, and how prices are being affected by the bad economy. Now, you can decide to get deeper into the discussion or you can create your own economy. 

Here are 3 mistakes that people make in a bad economy, see if you're making any of them, then look at what you can do instead to turn things around in your life.

Mistake #1 - Become engulfed in the bad news

Are you absorbing all of the negative information that's being reported by news, friends and family and other people around you? How is all this information affecting you? What images are they creating in your mind, what pictures are you constantly absorbing that's being embedded into your subconscious? 

Do Instead - Turn off the negative information

If it's something that you need to know, it will come to you. Otherwise, turn it all off. There's always something negative on the news so why become so wrapped up with it. Instead, find something uplifting to listen to, to watch, to talk about or even sing about. You'll begin to see how this simple step will lift your emotions and put you into a positive vibration.

Mistake #2 - Become afraid

Are you becoming afraid of what might happen to you and your family because of what's going on in the economy? Fear will sabotage any progress you're making and weaken you from the inside if you allow it to and also block any inspired ideas from coming to you. 

Do Instead - Draw your strength and courage from the Unlimited Supply

Remember, all things are created from the invisible/spiritual realm where our supply is unlimited. If you look only at what you have or on what's available on the physical plane you'll become discouraged and afraid. But if you look to the eternal supply - that which has no end - you know that you will always have enough and armed with that knowledge what you need will manifest itself.

Mistake #3 - Identify with scarcity or lack

Do you identify and own the bad economy as a reason for lack or scarcity in your life? Do you go like, "Yeah, I don't have this or that because of the bad economy?" Or, "If the economy wasn't this bad then I'd get a good or better job?" That's considered acceptance and identification with what's going on, on the physical plane. 

Do Instead - Change your perspective

Instead of seeing the bad economy as the reason for your lack of success, change your identity and association to being open to the abundance of the Great Universal Realm. Don't limit yourself because you think that the economy has anything to do with your success or failure. Think of your life as being abundant, decide what you want to experience, express that and fill your thoughts with what you want to manifest and let your actions follow in the direction you want to go. 

Try these 'Do Instead' steps and make them work for you. You don't have to be stuck because of external conditions. There's a never ending supply waiting for you.

If you'd like some help getting the mindset to becoming self-empowered in spite of the economy I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

3 Tips to Become Self-Empowered In Spite of Bad Economy

No matter what's happening in your environment, you can choose not to participate and expect the best that life has to offer. There's always a way out of every adverse condition and the next 3 tips will show you the mindset you can have to become self-empowered and attract the success you desire in whatever situation you're facing, even in bad economic times.

Tip #1 - There's more than enough

Have you been sold the scarcity syndrome - there's not enough water, there are too many people on the planet, there's not enough food? There's more than enough for all of us and more is created each day and if we first of all accept that as part of our internal belief, we will always have enough for our sustenance. The Great Universal Spirit creates the abundance that we need for both our spiritual and physical enjoyment. Poverty is a mindset that cuts off our supply, penetrates our life and sabotages one's potential success.

Tip #2 - Look for the abundance - the supply

What you need is right there waiting for you, look for it. You will find what you seek. If you seek lack, not enough, shortage, that's what you'll find. But if you know, you've accepted the belief that you have all you need the supply will be shown to you. It's a matter of what you fill your eyes with, what you're focused on and the emotions that fuel that mental image about your situation. Look for the abundance and you will begin to attract the same into your life. 

Tip #3 - Follow the Spirit Direction

We don't have because we don't ask and when we do ask we don't believe that what we ask for we will receive or we deserve to receive it, therefore our supply becomes hidden from our eyes. When we don't believe we don't take action because we're not open to the Spirit guidance or direction. Disbelief blinds us from seeing what's right in front of us and takes us off track from the path of abundance. So even if the supply is there, if we're not following Spirit guidance with expectation, we cannot find it. 

Key bonus - Make a declaration

A declaration is a convicted affirmation declaring that you will have what you desire manifested in your life. E.g. I declare that my cupboards are full and overflowing. I have all that I need and more. 

In this mind frame you are coming in harmony with the universal powers that will bring into tangible form your desire in spite of what is happening in the economy.

If you'd like some help getting the mindset to becoming self-empowered in spite of the economy I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday Tunespiration - Are You Ready to Live Your Dreams? It's All or Nothing

It's time for you to live your dream, take it to the finish line. No more stopping, no more giving up, take it all the way.

Today's tunespiration is from the movie Save the Last Dance - All or Nothing. Lyrics at the bottom.

All or nothing - Athena Cage

Heres the chance of life
Get ready, set, fly
Above the fear of you mind
Go for it its hit or miss
Too late for you to quit
You gotta show them how bad you really want this

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
Give your everything

You are what you believe
You've got to bring the heat
Set the pace
Competition: take the lead
This is it all eyes on you
So stay on point and prove
That you deserve what's long overdue

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
Give your everything

My heart is still recovering
From Heartbreak of another kind
I'm still drying my tears
Getting over my own fears
In my life
I wanna make sure this time
That I'm strong enough
To give it my all

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
You got to work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself

It's all or nothing
Give your everything
Live your dreams

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
(no, no)
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
(I say it's all or nothing)
Give your everything

Live your dreams
(You gotta live your dreams)
It's not as hard as it may seem
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
Give your everything

You know you've got to live your dreams
So don't you be afraid
take the lead
It's your time to shine
Please believe

Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting My Body Back Friday - Can Using Healthy Competition be a Motivator to Reach Your Ideal Weight Goal?

Can a little healthy competition help you achieve your weight goals? What do you think? We're about to find out for sure. 

My eldest daughter, Shenelle and I agreed to a competition to see who will lose the first 10 pounds by my birthday, September 18. Well the competition just got hotter as Dad and our second daughter Grace decided to join in.

Me - 10 pounds by September 18. We'll show before and after pictures then.

Shenelle - 10 pounds by September 18.

Dad's focusing on getting back his 'washboard' not that he has far to go but he's working on it.

Grace, the muscle girl, wants to increase her muscles. Grace had been my personal trainer in the past and is now working with Shenelle. Do you think Shenelle has the advantage here? How fair is that huh? 

I'd say Shenelle's got some stiff competition here cause Dad and I are no push overs lol. 

So we're off and working hard - walking, jogging, bike riding, weight lifting and eating tons of veges and drinking lots of water. Shenelle and I have taken measurements and well, the measurement tape will tell the rest of the story by September 18th.

I'm rooting for me lol. But it's a great motivator I tell yuh. 

Hope you decide to join us and press forward toward your weight goal too. 

Are you ready to throw off all self-doubt so you can finally get on the path to achieve your goals? If you'd like some help getting there I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Action Thursday - 4 Action Steps To Use the Power of Intentions to Achieve Your Goals

Achieving your goals may seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn't have to be when you understand the power of your intentions.

Whether or not you currently have all of the mental and physical ability and equipment needed to achieve your goals, you can attract whatever you need to help you reach your desire with the power of intentions.

In this article, we will cover 4 action steps you can implement right away to use the power of intentions to position you to achieve your goals.

Action Step #1 - Have a mental picture of your outcome

When you know what you want and have a clear image of your results, you can work towards your target. Putting this image on paper will help you become clear as you have to specifically express what you desire to accomplish. You can also use a picture to be the physical expression of what you want manifested in your life. Just make sure that you are emotionally connected to that image if you choose to go that route. You must own it as your own and fuel the desire with your emotions.

Action Step #2 - Fill your eyes with your outcome

When you find you're not getting the results you want check yourself. What are you seeing? What are your eyes focused on? Are you seeing the results you want or are your eyes fixated on feelings of self-doubt - your seeming inability to achieve your goals? Are you seeing overwhelmed, confusion or lack of resources?  

What mental image are you focused on that's taking you in the opposite direction of your goal? Remember, the brain sees in pictures, not necessarily what you're saying you want to accomplish. All of you must come into alignment with your desire. Make the mental shift to believe in yourself and see through the eyes of belief that you can achieve your goals.

Action Step #3 - Let go and wait

After you state what you desire, release the outcome. Don't try to figure out how it will all come together. Too much of the wrong mental action blocks inspiration from coming to you and creates a barrier of confusion to what's real. Relax and wait for the answer to come, for the direction in which you should go.

Action Step #4 - Take inspired action

What do you feel impressed to do that will take you closer to achieving your goal? be open to and pay attention to what's happening around you as other people are mobilized towards helping you to either get the information or equipment you need or to give you the support necessary to help get to your target goal even faster.

Are you ready to throw off all self-doubt so you can finally get on the path to achieve your goals? If you'd like some help getting there I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at

- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.

Click on the link to learn more.

Daily Insights