Changing Inside Out Now!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

5 Things You Should Know Before You Start a Business or Change Your Career

Starting a new business or changing a career as with any major changes in your life, even though they may be exciting, can affect you mentally, emotionally and physically. Major decisions require a clear mind with focus.  You must be prepared to face the challenges ahead of you. 

Let's look at 5 things you should know that will lay the foundation for starting a business or changing your career.

#1 - You must have a strong 'Why' 

Your 'Why', which is your reason for wanting to start a business or change your career must be stronger than any obstacles, setbacks or disappointments. Your 'Why' brings you clarity and gives you a target, direction, purpose and focus as you work towards getting the results you want. 

Action Step - Take a pen and paper and do some self-searching. This exercise allows you to get clear perspective. List 5 of most important reasons you want to start a business or change your career. Make sure you can emotionally connect with each of your reasons. Your emotional connections go deeper and create stronger bonds than the ones you come up with logically. 

#2 - What difference would this make in your life?

How would having a business or changing your career affect you, your lifestyle, your family life and friendships? Really think about this and write out a list of 5 positives and also take a look at the negative impact it may have on your life as well. Doing this exercise will help you see the positive in what you're doing and prepare you for any negatives that may show up. 

#3 - Address your fears and failures

It's important that you address any fears or uncertainties you have at this point. Because until you confront them, acknowledge them and look for ways to over your fears and deal with past failures, they will come up at you at a time when you need to be strong.

Action Step - Take a pen and paper and write down your fears. Have you tried a business before and failed? How is your fear of failure hindering you from taking the next step or sabotaging your progress?
How can you see your fears and failures differently? How can you use this fear and failure and turn them into courage and success? 

#4 - Develop stick-to-itiveness

Once you make the decision to start a business or change your career you must renew your commitment each day by the actions you take on a consistent basis. You must be in for the long-haul - through the mountains and valleys of your business or ideal career. This is where your emotional connection to your 'Why' will help you to keep your commitment to your desire. 

#5 - Develop the bulldozer mindset

You must have a focused determination to succeed in anything. That's what I call the bulldozer mindset where you become intensely focused on achieving your goal, even if you have to change the method you are still true to your destination. The bulldozer mindset sees passed your failures, beyond your limitations and your current circumstances and keeps you focused on reaching your target destination. 


  1. Thank you for this blog. I am currently in the beginning stages of starting my own is a self development program for girls ages 15-41 to help and support them as they transition from puberty and into young adulthood. I've already experienced #3 on your blog. I had hit a wall with developing my business plan, my frustration level was super high now knowing it what I was writing was "right". I had to reach out for support and encouragement and now I am in a better place. You're right you have to be able to face your fears as they come. Thanks

    1. That's great Elizabeth that you are facing your fears and moving forward towards your dream in spite of the past.


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