Changing Inside Out Now!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Creating change that lasts - Part 5 - Go with the flow

Getting my body back - Day 126

In our determination to creating change that lasts, we must also learn to go with the flow of the moment. It is great to be focused and being focused brings us closer to our goal. But we must also be sensitive enough to recognize when a change in the flow has come and just move with it.

It rained all day yesterday and I couldn't go out to do my normal workout routine. Instead of getting all out of sorts, which would have been quite silly, I decided to slow the pace down and learned some deep breathing techniques from my husband. The movements were small but more control and concentrated on particular body areas while focusing on our breathing.

Today, the weather was much better so I got back to my walking and jogging, but instead of doing weight training, we went into the garden, did some weeding and pruning - not what I had originally planned but I just let go and went with the flow. Even though I could feel my muscles working with all the bending, it was still peaceful and relaxing.

The benefits to going with the flow are, for the most part, quite rewarding than the alternative - struggle, stress and frustration. I could have just continued on to my weight training but as we entered the garden, one thing led to another. We began pulling up some of the carrots, transplanting the thyme, weeding and pruning, and at the same time, we were having quite an inspiring conversation about the connection between us and the Spirit.

When you go with the flow anything is possible because you're not just moving on your own time schedule, you've put yourself in the flow of the Spirit to work with you to bring about your desire with ease and less effort.

If we allow ourselves to become stuck in a rut - this is the way that I've always done it - and never leave allowance for new creative and inspirational methods, how could we know a better way, or better yet, a more relaxed, stress-free way of living?

Learning to go with the flow sounds easy, and it is, once we've let go of our wanting to do things the way we've always done them and move along in with the fresh flow of the Stream of Life.

Fuellings words: I plan my routine and work my plan, but I keep an open mind and go with the flow, knowing that the rewards are greater when I'm moving easily and effortlessly with the Flow of the Stream of Life.

Workout: walking, jogging, gardening

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